What is your hobby

Have you ever wondered what hobbies people from all over the world have? Some people enjoy singing at concerts, some people enjoy playing the violin, some people play the piano, some people paint, some people play TV, some people make things out of beads, some people play sports, some people make decorations for the Christmas tree. There are so many hobbies that I wouldn`t be able to name them until the morning. Everyone has a hobby – depending on what they like and what they like. Genetics can also influence our hobbies in part – that is, passing information from generation to generation.


So it`s no wonder that if, for example, your mother has a talent for sports and she enjoys sports, she will also enjoy sports and will probably be your hobby. It doesn`t always have to be that way, but mostly it just is. But one hobby is not talked about very often. It`s a hobby that people can sometimes even condemn, even if no one really understands the reason why. I don`t understand it either, but of course I can`t understand everything. And what is this hobby called? Shooting from a pistol.

Everyone can have a hobby and it is a real nonsense to condemn it – I mean shooting. Someone may just enjoy it and may like it. I personally do not see anything wrong with that, especially if this person does not threaten or harm others with this hobby. Of course, in order to have a weapon legally, we have to pass a test in order to own a weapon. Illegal possession of a weapon is also a criminal offense in the Czech Republic – but you know that for sure. It`s up to you to move this hobby further. You can go to the shooting range Prague, where they will show you what shooting actually means, how to shoot properly, you may also pass a test here to have your own weapon. But it is always necessary to handle weapons with the utmost care so that nothing can ever happen to anyone – caution is in order.

3.5/5 - (2 votes)

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